• A collective of founders, builders and investors helping advance the Cosmos ecosystem

  • Supporting the Cosmos Ecosystem

    The Cosmos Collective is a group of founders, builders and investors aligned under a unified goal to advance the cosmos ecosystem. We believe blockchains should be open, interoperable and use case specific. Now with the launch of IBC, Cosmos has become one of the leading blockchain ecosystems powering dApps and infrastructure for web 3.0. 


    With the launch of many layer 1 ecosystem funds, we realized Cosmos needs its own DAO to support and help build out its ecosystem.


    The Cosmos Collective was founded to meet this need. Staying true to the Cosmos ethos, we did not want to follow the traditional ecosystem fund model. Rather we formed a DAO, made up entirely of cosmos ecosystem contributors.


  • Members

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    Matt Slater

    Founding Member

    Stateless Ventures

    Twitter: @MattSlater

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    Yonatan Ben Shimon

    Founding Member

    YBS Capital

    Twitter: ybs_eth

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    Marc Weinstein

    Founding Member

    Mechanism Capital

    Twitter: @warcmeinstein

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    Founding Member

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    Reid Stender

    Founding Member + Ops

    Stateless Ventures

    Twitter: @DecryptVC

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    Pranay Mohan

    Founding Member

    Founder, Nomad.xyz

    Twitter: @pranaymohan

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    Shane Vitarana

    Founding Member

    Stagaze Protocol


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    Sam Trautwein

    Founding Member


    Twitter: @futurenomics

  • Supporting Cosmos Ecosystem Projects

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